Jamun Nut Powder (Syzzygium cumini) (50g)

₹ 69

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Jamun Nut Powder (Syzzygium cumini):

Product Name : Jamun Nut Powder (Syzzygium cumini)
Crop Variety : Jungle Herb
Geo Tag (Place of Origin): Nilgris, TN

Breif Description:

Syzygium cumini nut tree is tall and evergreen. It is a 'fruit of the gods'. Jamun, popularly known as the black plum is a fruit loaded with several nutrients and has many health benefits. jamun, suggesting that it holds significant potential to produce safer drugs for diabetes treatment  jamun seeds or jamun seed powder could lower blood sugar levels by 30%.

General Uses:
Good for Diabetics.
The Jamun fruit is good for digestive system because of its coolant features.
It is also good for blood due to more amount of iron.
Powder of Jambul gives relief from excessive urination.

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Jamun Nut Powder (Syzzygium cumini) (50g)

Jamun Nut Powder (Syzzygium cumini) (50g)

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